Art Digital Magazine (AD MAG) is on a long-term hiatus. AD MAG was published from 2010 to 2016, and during that time it amassed the largest collection of feature length interviews and articles with digital artist and art administrators in the world. In time, AD MAG will return, but for now the domain redirects to Digital Art News (DAN).

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"The Wrong" Digital Art Biennale Asserts "Hacking is the new Graffiti"

Complex Art + Design - Even as GIF files are selling for upwards of a thousand dollars, how does one showcase art as a limited commodity when the commodity itself exists only in the digital sphere? That’s a problem addressed, and solved, by “The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale,” an online exhibition of digital art now open for viewing until December 30 2013. The biennale has been in the works for more than a year and collects “the best of the best” digital art, according to its 30 curators.  Read more.

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