Art Digital Magazine (AD MAG) is on a long-term hiatus. AD MAG was published from 2010 to 2016, and during that time it amassed the largest collection of feature length interviews and articles with digital artist and art administrators in the world. In time, AD MAG will return, but for now the domain redirects to Digital Art News (DAN).

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wall Street Journal (blog) - TheBlu is a virtual ocean, where audiences can use Wemo’s “Maker Media Platform” to buy user-created animals and plants to populate their screens and jump around to various oceanic vistas. Each of the creatures and items available for sale are designed by artists, animators, software engineers and developers from around the world, who receive a cut of the profits whenever one of their creations is bought. To date, over 100 artists have contributed.  Read more.

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