Art Digital Magazine (AD MAG) is on a long-term hiatus. AD MAG was published from 2010 to 2016, and during that time it amassed the largest collection of feature length interviews and articles with digital artist and art administrators in the world. In time, AD MAG will return, but for now the domain redirects to Digital Art News (DAN).

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The new generation of digital artists

Calla Cofield @ New Scientist - Arriving at an art exhibition and finding, instead of canvasses, a dozen flat-screen TVs covering the walls, I must confess I felt relief. I'm not much of an "art person", and always feel unprepared or out of place when I stare at paintings and sculpture. The TVs on show at Digital Manifestations, in the School of Visual Arts in New York City, on the other hand, seem to put me right at ease.

Digital Manifestations displays work by graduate students from the MFA computer art department. Most of the flat screens feature short animated films that will serve as resumé builders for jobs at Pixar and the like, rather than philosophical representations. The works range from bizarre to beautiful, and they demonstrate that digital art is, at its core, still visual art. It should look good; or perhaps, look interesting. What sets it apart is the use of specific, non-traditional tools. Even now, said the exhibition's curator Charley Lewis, the students don't see using the computer as fundamentally different than wielding a paint brush.  Read more.

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