Art Digital Magazine (AD MAG) is on a long-term hiatus. AD MAG was published from 2010 to 2016, and during that time it amassed the largest collection of feature length interviews and articles with digital artist and art administrators in the world. In time, AD MAG will return, but for now the domain redirects to Digital Art News (DAN).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Paris’s digital art museum launches ambitious interactive competition

Out of the darkness of the large stone foundry in Paris, Alice in Wonderland emerges. Flitting between the dimly lit woodland which has popped up around us and in search of adventures, Alice is off to explore a succession of surreal worlds as pop music thuds around the venue and it feels like we – gallery visitors – are running through the trees with her. In the distance...read more.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Future Of Digital Is Analog

Can machines be creative? Can they make humans more creative?

Creativity holds a special place in our soul-searching on...read more.